Hello everyone! Shortly after the game's April Fools demo was dropped, I began lose all motivation for making the game for a large period of time, practically the entire last 3 months, due to personal reasons and the way I was worried people saw the game. However, I can safely say that said feelings are mostly behind me now, and I've found new joy in working on the game on my own and being more quiet about the game's development, letting me fully enjoy the progress in my own time! I've spent the past week or two working on the game, and have now gotten it to the point where it's full demo (the entire first circuit) is JUST about ready to be released! However, due to recent events and commissions that needed time priority to attend to, I unfortunately couldn't finish everything I needed to for the demo by the 4th of July, the original intended release date of the game. That said, I only need to finish tweaking the fights a bit, making some menu and UI stuff, an...